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    Do Son beach

    Do Son peninsula situated on the ancient continent with 2,450m of coast with full of fine sand, 22.5km in length along the coast from Cam river mouth to Van Uc river mouth. Old people similizes Do Son the head of a Dragon directing toward a precious stone (Hon Dau isle), whisking its tail to go to sea that created Bach Long Vi Islands. Traces of pre-historic men have not yet been seen in Do Son but there are a lot of historical relics. The most noticeable ones are Tuong Long tower and Van Ban pagoda which were built in 11th century. Tuong Long tower made of terracotta with 10 storeys on the top of mountain Ngoc Son. Foundation of Tuong Long Tower still exists. Bricks at the tower’s foot can be read clearly: ‘Ly gia de tam de, Long thuy Thai Binh tu nien tao’ i.e. the brisk was made in 3rd Ly’s Emperor, the fourth year of dynastic titled Long Thuy Thai Binh (King Ly Thanh Tong), it was the year of 1057 according to Calendar. Next to the tower is Van Ban pagoda. There is a bronze bell named Van Ban Bell casted in Tran’s dynasty time and it is one of the oldest bells of Vietnam and now being display in Historical Museum in Ha Noi. Due to a sea storm, the bell was sunk under sea water for hundreds years. It was picked up by fish men in 1958 at the beach of zone 1. It is believed that this bell was made with very high proportion of gold thus made it durable to remain undamaged after hundreds years under seawater, its sound vibrates even very far away.

    Historical traces improved that Do Son is a marine base of King Tran. In 1288, there was a fierce navy battle in Nhi Son Tower area, Dai Bang river mouth sunk hundreds of invaders’ boats.

    Buffalo fighting festival is the unique and local resident’s custom.

    Van Hoa hotel is situated at the end of Do Son peninsular, it was renovated to become a casino with 100 stone footsteps down to the sea. 4 km toward the sea from this point is Hon Dau lighthouse island. A temple of Nam Hai Than Vuong – a general of Tran’s dynasty was located on this tiny island where there is an anniversary every 9 to 10 January. He is the god of luck protecting fish-men during rough sea days. Worshiping brings belief and luck then it empowers spirit of fish-men. Before any sea trip, fish-men usually called at this island to worship for luck and make them confident when at the most dangerous position at sea.

    Tuan Chau Pearl Isle

    Email: info@haiphongtours.vn – halongdailytours@gmail.com

    Website: www.haiphongtours.vn

    Contact: +84904468246/+84906179246

    Quy định Tour

    Cancellation policies

    • For Day cruise, 1 day tour: any cancellations within 3 days prior of departure date will be fully charged
    • For overnight cruise, multi-days tour: any cancellations within 7 days prior of departure date will be fully charged

    Children policies

    Child age = current year – birth year
    • Every 2 adults can escort 1 child under 5 years old. We charge 75% of adult price for the next child under 5 years old
    • Child under 5 years old is free of charge
    • Child from 5 to 8 years old is charged 75% of adult price (taller than 1.2 meters is considered adult).
    • From 9 years old, we charge 100% of adult price

    Đánh giá Do Son beach, haiphongtours.vn

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