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    Liên hệ càng sớm - Giá càng rẻ

    Hoặc để lại số điện thoại, chúng tôi sẽ gọi lại cho bạn sau ít phút !


    Being located in Dau island – Do Son district, Nam Hai Than Vuong temple (the General of Tran dynasty) is the prominent destination when visiting this area. Legend has it that he is the Saint who control and protect the island. Anyones who come to visit the island without respect or try to take away any small things such as leaves, tree branches will be punished. That’s why the trees there are maintained and green, there are some “Vietnamese heritage trees” having date of 500 – 700 years old.

    “Don’t take away anything, except for the pictures

    Don’t leave anything behind, except for your footprints”

    Yearly,  the island festival – a traditional festival of seafarers in the North Coast is hold from 8 to 10 February (lunar calendar). Midnight of 9th  Feb, all boats concentrate around the islands for praying. Any boats which is far away also must turn the bow to temple direction with wishing being protected by Nam Hai Than Vuong saint, coming good fishing season.

    Tuan Chau Pearl Isle


    Email: info@haiphongtours.vn – halongdailytours@gmail.com

    Contact: +84904468246/+84906179246


    Quy định Tour

    Cancellation policies

    • For Day cruise, 1 day tour: any cancellations within 3 days prior of departure date will be fully charged
    • For overnight cruise, multi-days tour: any cancellations within 7 days prior of departure date will be fully charged

    Children policies

    Child age = current year – birth year
    • Every 2 adults can escort 1 child under 5 years old. We charge 75% of adult price for the next child under 5 years old
    • Child under 5 years old is free of charge
    • Child from 5 to 8 years old is charged 75% of adult price (taller than 1.2 meters is considered adult).
    • From 9 years old, we charge 100% of adult price

    Đánh giá Nam Hai Than Vuong temple, Do Son beach

    5 0% | 0 đánh giá
    4 0% | 0 đánh giá
    3 0% | 0 đánh giá
    2 0% | 0 đánh giá
    1 0% | 0 đánh giá
    Đánh giá Nam Hai Than Vuong temple, Do Son beach
    Gửi ảnh chụp thực tế
    0 ký tự (tối thiểu 10)

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