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    Hoặc để lại số điện thoại, chúng tôi sẽ gọi lại cho bạn sau ít phút !

    Lap River – Tam Bac Lake

    Belonged to former An Bien Commune, the lake is currently located in the center of the City. In 1885, the French colonialists widened and straightened Liem Khe rivulet in An Bien commune to 2,800m long, 74m wide and 7m deep to create a boundary canal separating Western community from Vietnamese community, Tam Bac River to Cam river were connected.

    The quantity of soil excavation reached 1,760,000m3 so it was called puddle Bonnal. The old name is Bonnal Canal. In 1925, the French filled up a part of the river to the existing Exhibition House since then it’s colloquially called Lap river (filled-up river).

    In 1985, Lap river was ‘a hundred years old’ (1885-1985) being rejuvenated – ‘complete improvement’. The dam banking up Tam Bac river was built connecting Tran Nguyen Han street to Quang Trung street and then enlarged to accommodate a bus station. Tam Bac bus station provides routes linking all the nationwide cities and provinces. Kiosks and walk-side shops were moved away, an auto-controlled culvert gate was built to let tide in and prevent water from flowing out when the tide is on the ebb and it was named Tam Bac lake.

    In 1999, Tam Bac lake was once again generally improved. Its bed was deeply dredged, banks were surrounded by fence, and greened with flamboyant, walk sides were paved and spotted by stone chairs where tourists can relax themselves. Early in the morning and late in the afternoon, many people walk round the lake and breathe fresh air from ‘the green lung’ of the city.

    Contact us for more information and your tours

    – Email: info@haiphongtours.vn – halongdailytours@gmail.com

    – Website: www.haiphongtours.vn

    – Contact: +84904468246/+84906179246

    Quy định Tour

    Cancellation policies

    • For Day cruise, 1 day tour: any cancellations within 3 days prior of departure date will be fully charged
    • For overnight cruise, multi-days tour: any cancellations within 7 days prior of departure date will be fully charged

    Children policies

    Child age = current year – birth year
    • Every 2 adults can escort 1 child under 5 years old. We charge 75% of adult price for the next child under 5 years old
    • Child under 5 years old is free of charge
    • Child from 5 to 8 years old is charged 75% of adult price (taller than 1.2 meters is considered adult).
    • From 9 years old, we charge 100% of adult price

    Đánh giá Tam Bac lake, haiphongtours.vn

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    1 0% | 0 đánh giá
    Đánh giá Tam Bac lake, haiphongtours.vn
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