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    Liên hệ càng sớm - Giá càng rẻ

    Hoặc để lại số điện thoại, chúng tôi sẽ gọi lại cho bạn sau ít phút !

    Cua Van floating fishing villageHa Long bay famous attractions

    Located in the Cua Van fishing village (Hung Thang ward, Ha Long city) Cua Van floating culture center is 20 km from the south of Tourist Wharf. The center was opened in May 2006. The Cua Van floating culture center is one of the 12 components under the Ha Long Eco-museum project. It displays and introduces the documentation, objects, photos of intangible and tangible cultural heritage of Ha Long fishermen. Visiting this center, visitors have chance to experience the daily activities, traditional fishing methods of Ha Long fishermen and enjoy typical foods of local residents.

    Tuan Chau Pearl Isle

    – Email: info@haiphongtours.vn – halongdailytours@gmail.com

    – Website: www.haiphongtours.vn

    – Contact: +84 904 468 246/+84 906 179 246

    Quy định Tour

    Cancellation policies

    • For Day cruise, 1 day tour: any cancellations within 3 days prior of departure date will be fully charged
    • For overnight cruise, multi-days tour: any cancellations within 7 days prior of departure date will be fully charged

    Children policies

    Child age = current year – birth year
    • Every 2 adults can escort 1 child under 5 years old. We charge 75% of adult price for the next child under 5 years old
    • Child under 5 years old is free of charge
    • Child from 5 to 8 years old is charged 75% of adult price (taller than 1.2 meters is considered adult).
    • From 9 years old, we charge 100% of adult price

    Đánh giá Cua Van fishing village, haiphongtours.vn

    5 0% | 0 đánh giá
    4 0% | 0 đánh giá
    3 0% | 0 đánh giá
    2 0% | 0 đánh giá
    1 0% | 0 đánh giá
    Đánh giá Cua Van fishing village, haiphongtours.vn
    Gửi ảnh chụp thực tế
    0 ký tự (tối thiểu 10)

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